Live Sober and Love Your Life

This 51 page guide outlines my process start to finish. It has everything you need to address alcohol in your life and face it head on.

The Terry Grier Way, is based on a modern approach that addresses habits and root causes that help you achieve a true identity change.

I guide you how to replace your addictive patterns with health alternatives so that cravings will stop and the voice in your head that wants you to drink will fade away.

Order yours today and take the first step towards a happier, sober life.

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“I was able to get clarity around my drinking and develop a plan with Terry’s help.”

— Susie, California

“Terry’s support has been nothing short of transformative. The process I followed is in this book”

— Mike, Texas

About Terry Grier

My name Terry Grier.

I stopped drinking alcohol in 2018.

This was the biggest change in my life.

After growing up in South Louisiana and attending LSU for college, I learned to embody the *laissez fair* feeling that is steeped into Louisiana culture.

The consequence of that culture is that my life revolved around alcohol and by the time I was 40 I knew that alcohol had a strong grip on me.

I was considered a social drinker by my friends and not seen as having a problem with alcohol. Drinking made me feel accepted. People enjoyed being around me when I drank. I liked those feelings.

But deep down inside I knew drinking alcohol was not good for me.

I could not imagine a world where I did not drink alcohol. But I also could not imagine a world where I drank "normally." I always wanted that extra bit of wine in the bottom of the bottle. And I often thought "Should I just open another bottle…"

I tried personal experiments and made promises to myself but I would break them. That made me feel guilt and shame and I would push those feelings away by drinking alcohol.

I see this clearly now but then I was living in a haze.

In 2015 something changed.

I started to ask myself questions.

What if I drank less.

Would I be more successful?

Could I lose this extra weight that I have gained?

Would my marriage be better?

I could not ignore these questions that set off exploring and learning.

I started to see people in my life that were living alcohol-free and I wanted what they had in my life.

After 2 years of fighting like hell with myself, I broke free. That was October in 2018.

Since then, I have put together my process to share with you.

I do not know you but it is my hope that my work benefits you.

I am Terry Grier, if you allow me to email you once a week, I will help you break free from alcohol and transform your life